
Digital health and wellbeing insights.

Personalization and Wellness: How AI Supports Wellbeing at Scale


Employers need to have competitive pay and benefits offerings. Now you can use personalization to surface opportunities from among and within those programs and benefits at the right time, in a way where it’s really a health and benefits journey of one.

Listen to the recent episode of the We’re Only Human podcast, featuring Ben Eubanks at Lighthouse Research and John Halloran at Mobile Health, to learn how to support wellbeing at scale.

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8-year Preferred Partner Agreement with Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield

Press Release

Mobile Health has signed an eight-year agreement to be the Preferred Partner for employer health and wellbeing program customization for Sydney, the member engagement tool offered to members of Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield’s plans. The combination of Sydney and Mobile Health will enable employers to customize health and wellbeing programs natively within Sydney to support each employer’s unique culture of health.

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Where Does It Hurt? Solutions to 4 Common Workplace Wellbeing Pain Points


As workplaces begin a return to “normal,” employees everywhere are still suffering from pains caused by the abrupt changes of 2020. Take, for instance, fatigue that employees experience on a daily basis. Whether it’s caused by stress related to their job or anxieties around their personal life, the more fatigued an employee is, the lower their productivity.

In this article, discover the four common pains that digital health programs can suffer from (and their solutions!), to help employees turn the corner on employee wellness and productivity.

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Digital Health: 5 Secrets to Successfully Support the Remote Workforce


As employers accelerate back-to-the-office planning, it may be easy to brush past just how much of a toll the pandemic has taken on the mental and physical health of the global workforce. More to the point, while employers may be ready to get things back to the way they were before the pandemic, workers aren’t. And it’s not just remote workers who want to continue working from home.

Remote work is here to stay. Discover five key ways employers can support their remote workers’ health.

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Press Release

Mobile health has become the go-to wellbeing technology provider for today’s workforce. It is now supporting 15,000 employers worldwide to help their employees live a better and healthier life. 

As workers deal with high levels of stress, burnout, mental and physical health issues now more than ever, mobile health is a compelling wellbeing program for employers, now available to any company around the world, no matter the size.



John Halloran was recently interviewed by Modern Professional to explore how Mobile Health was built to better connect people with wellbeing so they can live longer, healthier lives.

In this article, discover how Mobile Health is making employees’ lives better.


There’s a healthcare crisis on the horizon. Patients are hesitant to visit doctors for preventive and acute care, and although employers are doing their best, barriers still remain. In fact, 71% of employers said that their health and wellbeing efforts aren’t working. For health initiatives to be successful, there needs to be a way to break down those barriers and get people excited about their health and wellness. 

Ready to recharge your people? Get started with the Recharge Challenge today and get your employees excited about holistically improving their health.


Although the COVID-19 pandemic has spurred employers to adapt rapidly to changing business needs, innovation for employer-sponsored healthcare remains a desperate imperative. The new McKinsey report highlights that it’s time for employers to invest in health strategies that connect better health for employees as a way to enhance overall productivity and business results, and not just a cost on the expense line to minimize.

In this article, explore the core principles that you should adopt with your health strategies.


Employers need to have competitive pay and benefits offerings. Now you can use personalization to surface opportunities from among and within those programs and benefits at the right time, in a way where it’s really a health and benefits journey of one.

Listen to the recent episode of the We’re Only Human podcast, featuring Ben Eubanks at Lighthouse Research and John Halloran at Mobile Health, to learn how to support wellbeing at scale.

Press Release

Mobile Health has signed an eight-year agreement to be the Preferred Partner for employer health and wellbeing program customization for Sydney, the member engagement tool offered to members of Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield’s plans.

The combination of Sydney and Mobile Health will enable employers to customize health and wellbeing programs natively within Sydney to support each employer’s unique culture of health.


As workplaces begin a return to “normal,” employees everywhere are still suffering from pains caused by the abrupt changes of 2020. Take, for instance, fatigue that employees experience on a daily basis. Whether it’s caused by stress related to their job or anxieties around their personal life, the more fatigued an employee is, the lower their productivity.

In this article, discover the four common pains that digital health programs can suffer from (and their solutions!), to help employees turn the corner on employee wellness and productivity.


As employers accelerate back-to-the-office planning, it may be easy to brush past just how much of a toll the pandemic has taken on the mental and physical health of the global workforce. More to the point, while employers may be ready to get things back to the way they were before the pandemic, workers aren’t. And it’s not just remote workers who want to continue working from home.

Remote work is here to stay. Discover five key ways employers can support their remote workers’ health.

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See how Mobile Health makes it easier to reduce your risk and engage employees in healthy behaviors.

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